A powerful source of inspiration at Lugano, our equestrian jewelry perfectly captures our affinity for the equine lifestyle.

Closely tied to our heritage, our equestrian jewelry exudes confidence, passion and refined riding style.

Leaders in the Equestrian World
Our deep connection to the equine world is rooted in the childhood experiences of our Co-founder, Moti Ferder. His formative years spent on his family's ranch fostered a profound admiration for these majestic creatures, shaping a lifelong passion. Lugano is a long-standing supporter of the vibrant community of riders, trainers and owners who compete at events throughout the world, and advocates for organizations which care for horses and equestrian athletes.

Global Equestrian Events
As avid supporters of the equestrian community, we actively participate in prominent equine events across the United States, including Wellington International's Winter Equestrian Festival, The Hampton Classic, Split Rock Jumping Tour, and many others.
In Europe, Lugano is a proud brand sponsor of the esteemed Royal Windsor Horse Show and Longines Global Champions Tour, embracing the rich heritage and tradition of these prestigious events.

Touring Equestrian Salon
Our Touring Equestrian Salon travels to all corners of the U.S. and Europe. Established to further the awareness of the equine lifestyle, strengthen our relationships in the community and share the grandeur and excitement of events with friends, the salon is also an opportunity for clients to discover our exquisite equestrian jewels in the settings which inspire them.